Usually it's the kids that get into mischief here in the Dry Gulch Gem Mine. But, this is the strangest of all twists.
There was a medium sized group of kids and moms here for their very first excursion into Dry Gulch. I gave the same orientation (as usual) regarding rules, finding the gems, and not to destroy anything along the trails. I turned them loose, and proceeded to casually walk around, answering questions and assisting the tiny children.
I was walking down the long main trail when I noticed a mom stooped low to the ground. She was poking a long stick through the fence located at the miniature train set. I stood unnoticed, and observed as she desperately (if not methodically) tried to knock some of the miniature town figures into the small water pond. I could hardly believe my eyes! I walked up to her and inquired as to why she was poking the town's characters with a stick. She quickly stood up, dropped the stick. She became very befuddled (kid caught with hand in cookie jar), and stated: "I saw a bee in there and I was trying to poke it".
Like John Stossel says: "GIVE ME A BREAK"