Just about everyone remembers the purchase of their first car. I sure do! It was a warm summer evening when my dear old father took me to 24th and State Street (in Erie) to go car shopping. Of course, in those days, it was always used car shopping. A decent used car went for around $500. Even at that amount a loan was required along with parental co-signers, and your first born as collateral. The owner of the car lot and his 'shark' reputation, came a stumbling out of his tiny shack (office) to put the squeeze on. He was a typical 50's greaser with dark slicked hair... a duck tail in the back and an Elvis wave in the front. The cars that he sold were always previously owned by a sweet little old lady, whom he knew personally!
I got sucked in and bought the car, but that's not the story. You see, this guy went on to become the biggest 'New Car Dealer' in Erie, (now residing in Florida and sometimes in Erie). He gained political clout as his dealerships increased. He purchased a small plane, learned to fly, (not to well according to his runway accident report), and even had sports events named in his honor. He was able to frequent the company of the Erie Mayor, and County Executive. And still today, he is held in the highest esteem of the elite upper crust social circles.
If you have never read the "Peters Principle", do yourself a favor. It depicts guys like this... rising to the heights of their own inabilities. He (unfortunately) has been cloned into all areas of Politics, Large and Small Business, Entertainment, and even Tel-evangelical Religion.
Tis the sludge that always rises to the top these day, and no longer the creme!