The last event of the season, and no surprise, another disgusting incident. With approximately fifty individuals just roaming around in the parking lot area of Dry Gulch, it probably seemed easy for this couple and three kids from Ohio, to just blend in. It would have worked if it weren't for the fact that the observant teacher, who yearly organizes this final event for his students, failed to recognize this couple and kids. When he told me that they were 'not' with his group, I approached the mystery couple and asked. They stuttered and stammered, not quite certain as to what to say. When I politely explained that it was a "private" field trip, they got all indignant and left in a huff exclaiming, "we're from Ohio"!
Now party crashers never surprise me, for booze is the lubricant that loosens the soul. But, Field Trip Crashers... give me a break!