An informal group from Lake City, PA. came to the Gem Mine and were GREAT! They were exuberant, inquisitive, and very appreciative for the opportunity to go Mining for over one million genuine gemstones. A group of the younger girls and guys (approx. 12 to 25 years of age) asked to visit the gallery, and were allowed because of their maturity, and ability to articulate an understanding of the "Fine Art of Sheriff Bill" (William Paul), in both his use of Flat Art, and Dimensional Stone Sculpting.
One of the older adults could learn a thing or two from these young ladies... It was later found that she was a Art Prof at Edinboro University. She exhibited and articulated both arrogance and immaturity after leaving the gallery. This improper decorum slants unfairly toward the staff of Edinboro Art Dept., as she is always a representative of the institution.
Sheriff Bill, in his thirty five plus years as a professional artist, always speaks favorably of those who wish to share their art. After all... It's not a competition... It's a gift! This precept was delivered to Sheriff Bill many years ago by an old "hippie friend" who actually could paint circles around most of these social erudite's of higher learning, but instead opted to be humble and forgiving.